Where we stand.

“Truth and the ability to have our voices count is still something to which we have unequal access; #MeToo and Black Lives Matter are both movements to rectify this. [This hearing has] demonstrated a commitment to rape culture, to a culture in which the voices of women will be ignored no matter what, regardless of the facts, in which men will be believed no matter how much evidence there is against them; and the racial equivalencies are everywhere we look, if we choose to.”

 Rebecca Solnit

Dear WestCoast Community:

We watched Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testify in front of the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee. We watched Brett Kavanaugh’s response. And Lindsey Graham’s.

What we saw, and what continues to play out on the national stage, is the silencing, the retribution, and the denial by those in power when victims of sexual assault come forward.

At WestCoast we hold the truth for the many clients we serve who have been sexually assaulted.

We stand with survivors of sexual assault, sometimes in the court room, sometimes in the therapy room.

We stand with those who come forward and those who cannot because of fear, pervasive hostility, or threats against their lives.

And we speak out.

Join us.

  1. Click here for Indivisible’s Daily SCOTUS Senators tracker to find out where your Senator stands.
  2. Don’t like what you see? Give them a call.
  3. Forward this email.
Thank you,
Stacey Katz, CEO