We Need Your Help: May 30 Call-In Day to Support Justice for Victims of Trafficking Act

Dear WestCoast Community:The Justice For Victims of Trafficking Act (JVTA), S. 1738 is the only comprehensive human trafficking legislation that provides funding for the services that sexually exploited youth need to heal. It also addresses the demand that drives the sex trafficking market by giving law enforcement the prosecutorial tools needed to target those who purchase sex from minors.The House of Representatives unanimously passed the JVTA last week. Now we need the Senate to take up the legislation in order for it to become law.

We Need Your Help

On Friday, May 30th please join national advocacy groups in calling Senator Patrick Leahy’s (D-VT) office to let him know that you want him to put JVTA on the Judiciary Committee calendar. Senator Leahy is the Chair of the Judiciary Committee, and we need his support to move forward with this landmark legislation.

Please contact Senator Leahy

Please call Emily Livingston in Senator Leahy’s office at (202) 224-4242Click here for talking points to guide your discussion.Thank you,Jodie Langs
Policy Director