WestCoast Children’s Clinic presents at the annual Society for Personality Assessment conference

Assessment Program Director, Barbara Mercer, and Assistant Program Director, Audrey Rosenberg, each presented a paper in a Symposium at the Society for Personality Assessment, an annual international conference, this year in San Diego. Barbara’s talk entitled “Living With Danger: Attachment and Complex Trauma in Oakland, California” was part of a Symposium called An International Perspective: Assessment’s Role in Uncovering and Coping with Client Trauma. Audrey’s talk “Beyond the Dyad: How an Organization can Support Supervisors who are Working with Unlicensed Trainees who are Testing High-Risk Youth” was in a Symposium on The Art of Supporting Supervisors: Supervision of Psychological Assessment.

Judy Wan, our pre-doctoral intern and next year’s post-doctoral resident, gave a poster session, Therapeutic Assessment with Adolescents: A Time-Series Design Examining Changes in Family Functioning. Her poster is on display in the hallway near the kitchen.

Eching Ho, who will be starting per postdoctoral residency with us in September, gave a poster session, Role of Acculturation and Enculturation on Chinese American Adults’ Perception of Child Psychological Assessment Models.