Training Assessors in Therapeutic Assessment

Training Assessors in Therapeutic Assessment

Published in the Journal of Personality Assessment Volume 93, Issue 1

by Maryanne E. Haydel, Barbara L. Mercer, and Erin Rosenblatt, WestCoast Children’s Clinic


This article focuses on the use of the comprehensive Therapeutic Assessment training model (Finn, 2007) with a child and his mother. The mother observed the child’s testing sessions and was actively involved in a family intervention session as a way of translating assessment results into practice. One psychologist administered the psychological tests with the child, and 2 other clinicians worked with the mother throughout the process. We offer ideas about learning and training in the context of our case in Therapeutic Assessment. We investigate the parallel process between the way in which parents learn about their child’s perspective and the way in which clinicians learn about the family’s perspective. We discuss our discoveries in the context of planning case interventions. We explore the impact of trauma and ways of holding and containing this difficult work within our community and with each other.

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